Error uploading a pack! Anyone else having the same issue?

Hi guys, I have been trying to upload a pack for the past 2 days but I keep getting errors when uploading the zip file (sometimes at 1%, sometimes at 13%, etc…) I wonder if anyone else has been getting the same issue in the last 48hrs? Thank you very much.

Hello, the same thing happened to me a couple of days ago. Try to upload using FTP!

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please clear browser cache and try again. Also you can try with another browser. Otherwise use ftp upload

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I opened a ticket for this issue and the AJ team gently sent me a link to follow the process of fixing…
hope this is useful
good luck!


The system sent me today a message telling that the issue is solved, but I still have the same problems uploading… this stops at …12% as always
good luck!

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Around 45 minutes ago from @jamesgiroux
Hey Everyone. Happy to report that the issue has been resolved and FTP should be working normally.

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Hi all, Thank you very much for all the messages and willing to help. Sorry for my late reply. I had some family matters that needed my urgent attention. I guess the issue is finally solved as I was able to upload an item last night without any error.

I take this opportunity to wish you all a great 2019 filled with joy, happiness, peace, health and of course…great music and lots of sales! :slight_smile:


I have the same problem. I have been trying to upload a pack but I keep getting errors when uploading the zip file. Anyone else has been getting the same issue this day?

Try upload using FTP.

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Hey Eliho, as @RedOctopus said, try FTP. I generally have this issue when I upload a pack. I guess mainly because a pack’s ZIP file is bigger compared to single items. I downloaded filezila (this is the link: and follow the instructions here: It’s quite easy and it works just fine. Good luck! :slight_smile:

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Thanks, guys! I will try.

P.S Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for me. I successfully download the zip file using the ftp client, but when I go to my author dashboard and navigate to the upload page. The zip file isn’t be there…

try waiting 10min…it normally takes that long to show in the upload page

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Yeah! It’s work!
Thanks very much, WavebeatsMusic!!

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happy to help! :slight_smile:

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