Envato Toolkit class.maincontroler.php does not close session_start()

Wordpress Site Health warns that, “A PHP session was created by a session_start() function call. This interferes with REST API and loopback requests. The session should be closed by session_write_close() before making any HTTP requests.”!
I solved the issue when I added “session_write_close();” in the end of a class.maincontroler.php!
I do not know if it is correct, but the warning disappears!
It will be good if the authors solve the issue!
Best regard,

Hi @niki_tabaliov,

Envato Toolkit has been deprecated for a long while now, replaced with the Envato Market plugin. Here’s a page explaining how you can upgrade:

Please switch to using the Envato Market plugin and you’ll be good to go!


Sorry, I had both plugins. Only have to remove old one!
Thank you,

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