Envato Market plugin not showing a theme, that is shown in downloads


I have in the last month taken over a website which uses the Mediclinic theme. The previous developer had installed the Envato Market plugin, but there was no token in there.

The developer then supplied a Personal Token (after some serious coaching) which does work, but not for the Single Item Token when using the Item ID (19948268). It says that “The item cannot be downloaded”. I have then put the Personal Token in the API Personal Token area in the plugin and it shows all the plugins the developer has purchased, but the Mediclinic theme is not there.

So, the theme is showing in their download area, but is not showing at all in the Envato Market plugin.

I have received an image of the purchase (with a purchase code) and an image of the theme in their downloads (themeforest.net/downloads).

So my questions are: Why would this happen (i.e. what would stop it showing in the Envato Market plugin)? If it has been used elsewhere, would that stop it from showing? Is it a bug in the envato plugin? What else can be tried to shine some light on the problem?

Your help would be much appreciated!!


have you created the prsonal token from the original theme purchaser account. If yes then the theme should dispay in the Envato Market plugin.



Thank you for your reply.

Yes, the personal token was created from the original theme purchasers account (as that was one of my original thoughts - that it was purchased under another account).

The developer confirmed that it was purchased through their account - they sent a screen grab of the receipt with purch code and item ID, and a grab of the theme sitting in their down loads on themeforest.

So, yes I agree, I would think it should show in the Envato Market plugin.

Any ideas as to why it would not? And what can be be done to fix the issue?

Many thanks.

please tell your developer to set the token into your site and make it to work. If they need support to make worable they can contact purchased theme author they will guide how to make it workable. I am not sure but may be the theme need few extra permissions in the created token.



Again, thank you for your reply. I have emailed the developer and I will let you know what I find and the outcome.

Best regards,