Envato has a lot of tracks in the library, which nobody buys

I fully support you in your decision! Good luck in future sales, I sincerely hope that you will increase your income at least twice(I hope this is not the limit)! :wink:


What if removing old tracks that crowd the market could be incentivized? I donā€™t have an entire concept mapped out or anything but maybe it would be easier to keep the market fresh and cut the fat if Authors are somehow encouraged to manage this themselves.

One idea for example: Delete 3 old tracks greater than a year old with 0 sales and receive increased visibility/featured spot/whatever on one of your other ā€˜betterā€™ tracks.

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I like this idea. :slight_smile:

Plus, maybe add a ā€œPortfolio Cleaning Weekā€ where we would be obliged to remove a certain number of non-sellers (or weak items of our own choosing). Some authors would probably say itā€™s a crazy suggestion, but if all of us would have to do this task, at the same time, it could help to trim the library to a more manageable number of items once a year or maybe each two years or some other time frame.

AudioJungleā€™s library will reach a million of items in not so long (a few years at most!). I can see the search engine performing relatively ok until then, but what after this?

Envato probably have a few plans on the table already to face this situation, but their position must be a delicate one, because I think one of the main forces of this library model is that it is an ā€œopenā€ one. If Envato were to close the gate too tight, I think they could jeopardize their future in a very bad way. So, they will need to find some kind of solutions to over-crowding, but without hurting their authorā€™s base too much; hard task!

I do not think that we, as authors, should be rewarded by doing something that personally speaking we should be doing. Keeping a portfolio fresh and commercially viable should be an authorā€™s default setting.

An adequate act. My respect.

Well, Iā€™ve been thinking about this for some time, and today, I took a bold move, to keep my side of the road clean, and Iā€™ve deleted 84 items from my portfolio. Iā€™ve mainly deleted sfx (because I feel that the revenue they bring me, does not compensate for the clutter that they make of my portfolio), non selling or low selling tracks, unrated tracks (though I have kept some, because I still have hope for them), old tracks which I donā€™t think cut the mustard anymore, and some tracks which just have no views. It feels good to have a more streamlined portfolio, which I can concentrate on managing, and it feels like a fresh start. If Iā€™ve made a mistake, oh well, there are only lessons in life!

P.S. This is my personal decision, as an author here, and Iā€™m not suggesting that anyone else should do the same.