Hi there! I’m part of Envato’s Community Team, and I’d love to borrow 5 minutes of your time for a quick survey that will help us to improve our forum community.
You can fill out the survey below. If the embedded version doesn’t work, you can also access it via https://envatocommunity.typeform.com/to/dbCel0
Why are you doing this?
Community Health survey data gives us an indication of how well the community functions, and highlights the areas that our Community team can focus on to make improvements. We’re aiming to provide a healthy, supportive and constructive community to help our members succeed - whether they’re authors, customers or both.
Will it really take 5 minutes?
Depending on how fast you click, it might be even shorter The survey has 11 multi-choice questions, and an optional 12th if you’d like to provide your username.
Can we find out what the results are?
Yes! I’ll be putting together a report for the community after we’ve gone through the data, which will show you what we’ve learned, and how it will influence the things we do next. If you give some of your time to take part, you have a right to see the impact of your work.
What’s this new profile badge about?
We’ll be introducing a new Community Health badge, to recognise and thank people who contribute to research initiatives like this. If you’d like to receive one, just enter your username in the final survey question. I’ll add the new badge to your profile after the survey wraps up.