Hi there!
I’d love to borrow 3 minutes of your time for a quick survey that will help us to improve the Envato community. Many of you will be familiar with this survey, as this will be the fifth time we’ve run it. If you’d like to know more about it, see the FAQ below.
Please fill out the survey below. If the embedded version doesn’t work, you can also access it via https://envatocommunity.typeform.com/to/uKLeiVly
Why are you doing this?
Community Health survey data gives us an indication of how well the community functions, and highlights the areas that our teams can focus on to make improvements. We’re aiming to provide a healthy, supportive and constructive community to help all our members succeed - whether they’re authors, customers or both.
Will it really take 3 minutes?
Depending on how fast you click, it might be even shorter This year’s survey has 14 questions, most of which are multiple choice.
Why do you need my username?
Usernames are a compulsory question in this survey. They help us to conduct more detailed analysis of the survey data, and also enable us to award Community Health badges to all participants.
What’s changed since last year’s survey?
We’ve asked for your primary content type (instead of marketplace), and added a question about selling on Market, Elements or Both. This is because so many people now sell on both platforms, so it’s no longer useful to treat Elements as a separate marketplace.
Also, by popular request we’ve added in a spot at the end for general feedback about the Envato community. This one’s optional, but greatly appreciated by my team - tell us what you love about the community, or what you’d like to see us do differently.
Can we find out what the results are?
Yes! I’ll be putting together a report after we’ve gone through the data, which will show you what we’ve learned, and how it will influence the things we do next. If you give some of your time to take part, you have a right to see the impact of your work. Where possible, I’ll link back to the survey results when we make community changes that come from our Community Health data.
After the current survey is finalised, I’ll be sharing some details from the survey results - keep an eye out for them in February.
What was that about badges?
As a way of thanking everyone who takes part, we have a Community Health badge that we award to everyone who completes the survey. That badge is only available from this survey - if you don’t have it yet, this is the only way to get it Please note: Our developers will be adding this to your Envato Market profile AFTER we close the survey.
If you have any questions about the survey, please post them here. We’ll run this survey for one month, closing on January 9th.