Envato Elements

I have some products that are not listed in Theme Forest but can I submit them to envato Elements if I want.?

Can I submit HTML template on envato elements? without approved in themeforest?

I approved some graphics templates in envato elements yesterday but currently I can’t find my template in envato elements when I search it in envato elements… Why?

Hi @themes-park!

Which category did you apply to join Elements for?

If you applied for a different category (e.g. website themes and templates), you will need to apply separately via https://author.envato.com/join/elements to sell content from other areas. Unlike Envato Market, Elements has a portfolio review process to gain access to each of the content areas.

There’s a UX bug that currently allows authors from other categories to submit items to the Graphics category, but those can’t actually be published unless your account also has distribution rights for the appropriate category.

You can use the link above to apply to sell in additional categories - if your account is approved for Graphics, then you should see your missing graphics template items appear in your Elements portfolio on site.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Elements earning update (dashboard not updated beyond 23 August)