Envato Elements Subscription w/VideoHive

Hi there! I was under the impression that the Envato Elements subscription would work with items on Video Hive…was I incorrect?


In Envato there are 2 places to collect Items:

  1. Envato Market ( as like themeforest, codecanyon, graphicriver, videohive ) where you will find many more Items based on your needs. In this marketplace you have to purchase individual license for each end product. It will work per license for per domain. In this market you will get plenty of Quality Items from different Authors.
  2. Envato Elements (https://elements.envato.com) where you will get unlimited downloads features if you subscribe there.

Envato Elements provide a subscription base service where envato market is marketplace to sell individual Items. So, in envato market there is no subscription service.

You can subscribe on Elements.


Hi @mikerangel82!

Elements subscriptions currently include ~300k stock footage items, and ~11.5k video templates.

Most of those are also available for individual purchase on VideoHive, but the total VH content library is much larger - around 720k Stock Footage items, and almost 200k templates across the other categories on https://videohive.net.


Are you recruiting video hive authors and content creators to join envato market?

Check out this guy for example:

Bunches of great footage, he made like 2 sales, that’s $100 in revenue, minus the video hive fees.

Could this author make more money on envato elements while also increasing the value of an envato elements subscription? I’m looking for specifically some of these clips, but I can’t justify spending that much on it…

What are the economics like for stock footage creators?