Envato API & Wordpress Plugin Help.


Looking for a little guidance.

I’ve wrote a plugin and would like the possibility of requiring the user/client to verify their purchase etc… with Envato.

I have setup a private update server using the script from w-shadow and was wondering how i would go about getting the user to verify the purchase then show a download/update of the plugin is available if valid.

And if not valid or left empty disabled the download/update.

Hopefully thats makes sense.

If you need anymore info let me know, but i’m sure this is probably a common question.

I just can’t seem to find a solution that still exists!

I did find Free Envato Plugin & Theme Updater Script for your customers but i’m unsure if it fully does what i need due to what seems limited testing.


Envato Plugin / Theme Updater Script author here :slight_smile:

That script exactly doing what you need. Feel free to ask any questions to script’s forum page if you have any.
