Elements earning update (dashboard not updated Since Sep 5)

@Kingfog @benleong The earning update issue has risen up again. Can you update us the status? What is happening and can you please make the efforts on resolving it.
Are you guys see the same results ? …?


Heya! Devs are aware and have it fixed. There will just be a delay as the data updates. Thanks!


Thx, @KingDog! Will we see the update tonight or earlier?

But dude, really, issues every week… that 1GB 486 is craving to be replaced! :slightly_smiling_face::floppy_disk:



How did you get this photo of me?!




My dates are still skewed. Says Aug 31- Sept 5 instead of Sept 1-6. My Elements and Photodune dashboards still don’t match either. Seems to be a date missing on Elements.

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Yes we have this problem in every week I guess… and we are waiting

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Same here.
My dates are still skewed. Says Aug 31- Sept 5 instead of Sept 1-6.

The developers are trying, I’m sure they’ll be able to fix everything.

Sep 6 data should be available now, with Sep 7 arriving later today - I’ve just checked a few author dashboards, and can see it in there.

It looks like there was a delay yesterday during the Market database upgrades: the Author Earnings dashboard was designed to receive both Elements and Market data at the same time, before publishing each day’s update. When the daily Market data was delayed, that also prevented the newer Elements data from being displayed.

That’s now been decoupled, so the Elements earnings data should continue updating each day. Market data is still running a couple of days behind, but shouldn’t prevent the Elements Earnings updates from being published each day.

There’s more information about the Market dashboard delays here:

As of today, this is what I can see on the Author Earnings dashboards:


Hi @BenLeong. I still have this:

It should start on September 1, but it still starts on August 31


Thanks for the screenshot! I’ll check with the team managing that dashboard, as I’m not sure whether daily updates should appear for all accounts at once, or if they go out in batches.

I also wonder if it uses local timezones in some way - I’ve just checked your dashboard from my staff account, and that section currently says “Sep 1 - 6” over here.


Maybe I just have to wait because of my timezone. Thanks mate for your quick answer :+1:t2:


37 posts were merged into an existing topic: internal server error 500 for my author dashboard on elements