Updating earnings
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Fully updated now
Hi all,
Just cross-posting this here. The Envato Author Dashboard is currently offline for maintenance.
It feels like only bonus have been added today
I’ve got more than average
“The Positive Author”, like a superhero
Do you see anything for 10th on reports page? Its missing on my end
Choose Before Tax option
Why then its ok for other days without any switches? Today few bucks come as well (too low for average, feels like only bonuss have been added)
I don’t know why it works this way, but this works for me when I want to breakdown elements earnings day by day and to compare whether original report is up to date.
The other thing I notice (i would say it coincidence) but this happens every time calculations on EE stucks, all sales on other platforms stops too.
Can’t relate to that as I still have regular sales on market, but we can track envato platform status and there might be couple issues going same time
10 posts were split to a new topic: Earnings Report Discussion (January 2022)