I have attempted for several days to download templates for a couple of projects. However, once the files reaches a certain size/time/whatever it stops and displays the message “network work connection interrupted”. At first, I thought that it was my wifi at home so I tried my portable hotspot and my both of my phone’s hotspot in turn. Same result. Earlier this morning I was able to download relatively small files, (music and stuff) but not a larger file. Now, I am at work and actually sitting in IT with my 2019 16in MacBook Pro 2.6 GHz 6-CORE i7 16 GB HARDWIRED. I ran a speed test and posted 117.6 Mbps download speed. This has been going on for several days. PLEASE ADVISE
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Very strange. Have you tried using an incognito window on your browser? Just in case you have a plugin interfering.
Thanks for the reply. I tried that and I got excited. 545.7mb of 594.6mb and stopped.
And, when “resume download” is pressed “failed”
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So close! Would you be able to open up a help ticket here?
Envato Market Help and Support
Our Help Team has more access to seeing if has anything to do with your IP etc.
I am having the same issue.
Was this resolved for you?
I’ve tried many browsers, different computers, different wifi’s even tried different locations on a VIP. still no joy. seems like it happens when the file is over 100mg for me.
Please let me know what your outcome was.
Thanks and regards