Downloads for videos are not working since last 24 hours.
I am also having the same problem, I keep on being asked if I am a robot and nothing will download very frustrating
Looks like their content servers are down. We are nearing 48 hours of issues and no solution, no email replies from the team on a weekday. I hope they offer credit. This was my renewal month and I am not sure if I am renewing for another year. Such issues ruin business especially since I am behind schedule due to these last 48 hours. Once a weekend comes, there will be an excuse on no support.
I hope the team is reading this and get the problems solved.
Hi all. I know that there have been some additional discussions conducted via support tickets, but I wanted to loop back to this forum post for any others who had similar issues, or for any future cases where this post is relevant.
The issue appears to be fully resolved, with Elements video downloads working again on all subscriber accounts. If this is not the case for your subscription, please open a Support Ticket via Envato Elements Help and Support - that will go directly to the teams that are best placed to investigate further, and they’ll be happy to help you. Thanks!
Would there be credits applied for those affected for both those days?