Downloaded a preview file, can't find where it is

Hey all, downloaded a preview file that I would now like to buy, but for the life of me I can’t find what it’s called.

On my PC, the file is called Happy Clapping - but searching that up brings no result.
Also going through my download list, there are some other preview files but none which match the one I downloaded.

Any ideas how I could find this file? Any history function on the site?


The default file name for all preview files is “preview.mp3”. Try searching for that,

Did your file have ukulele in it? You could try running through this collection

Or post your track from PC on soundcloud and send a link - someone might be able to point you in the right direction.

When I search “Happy Clapping” I get a lot of results. You must have renamed your preview.mp3 file so I suggest listening to titles that have happy clapping in them and you might find it quite quickly. You only need to hear the first 2 seconds to know if the track is the right one.

Good luck :slight_smile:


A good way to search your item is to search by length. If your preview would be for example 1:11, search for this:

But it’s more difficult when there is more than one variation in the preview. Then you have to search for the length of one variation only (usually the longest.

And by the way, I have to songs containing “Happy Clapping”, maybe it’s one of those?:

I wish you good luck with finding it!

why don’t you upload it to soundcloud and post it here?
Somebody will be able to help you then.

yes, upload it on soundcloud and we’ll find it for you. cheers

I had about given up, and this trick worked like a charm…thanks! Note to self: tag the next preview I download!

matsteiner said


A good way to search your item is to search by length. If your preview would be for example 1:11, search for this:

But it’s more difficult when there is more than one variation in the preview. Then you have to search for the length of one variation only (usually the longest.

And by the way, I have to songs containing “Happy Clapping”, maybe it’s one of those?:

I wish you good luck with finding it!

wow, I’m very happy to hear that!

btw: All my newer mp3 previews are tagged, so it’s really easy to find a track again since it points at least to my portfolio or even to the corresponding item.

I guess every author should start doing this… we would have much less desperate buyers here :wink:

Easiest way guys, If you have a mac drag the file into your downloads folder and then just check the info of the file…youll c the name of the song in the “where from” tab.
Soundizer is audio search engine that allows you to find AudioJungle tracks by their mp3 sample files.

“Easy money!” ))

I’m looking for this audio file, but can’t find it to purchase it. I’ve copied the link on the preview file I downloaded, but it’s only the link to the preview (see below). If anyone knows where I can get it, much appreciated.

You can upload your preview to soundizer. It will give you the name and link to the track. :slight_smile:

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PurpleFogSound, Thanks so much. This worked like a charm! You saved me a whole morning of headaches.

I had the same issue. When I brought the preview track into iTunes it gave me the title of the track. Then I did a search in audio jungle with the title and bingo!

Hello there, I´m having this problem. Can you tell me how to upload it to soundizer? Thanks!

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