Does sales really drop so much

I start learning WordPress because so many people bought Blogs that it was look like good dill. But right now only few themes which advertise for example in Adwords have XX sales and the rest X sales. When I start I lost half year for soft rejects because I didn’t know TF requirements ( this cant be here, this cant be there etc. ) and now on two Blogs I earn maybe 200$ … it’s unprofitable any more?

They I try to back in Marketing section - Landing Pages ( I was there about 2 years ago and earn about 150-180$ monthly) . But now reviewer in this section is very strange. First he send my soft reject because validate errors I check it 10 times - and resend him that same files and give notice that there aren’t any validation error in this files. So he send me problem with typography, spacing, aligment, padding etc.

There are currently 1,519 WP themes in Blog / Magazine, so unless you will come with something original and great (or with “100+” demos) you can’t really expect great sales. IMHO, you should feel lucky that you were approved and even earned those $200 with those themes, they are honestly no that great design-wise.

Take a look at your forum history. Most of your messages are basically just complains about reviewers or something. So maybe change your attitude, work on your weaknesses (for example typography) and try to offer this market something original and I am sure the success will come.

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But not only his but in general even power elite authors themes hardly touch 2 digit sales in a week’s time, in blog/mag section first page we have two power elites with one and three sales.

Sorry but when I look for few years on other accepted themes - and of course even in near past I see many, many worst design. I do not say that my is great … but there are much worst even with bugs. And to be honest I earn almost that same on few landing page in other shop.

I haven’t said your design is the worst, definitely not. There were some horrible designs approved in couple of last months indeed. Yours is not horrible, it’s just not good enough to expect any great sales.

But your goal shouldn’t be to surpass those shitty ones, but to compete against those great ones. The thing with ThemeForest is that getting your item approved is the easy part. Creating an item which will have decent sales is the hard part. And the first step to succeed is to do some thinking before you start designing a theme. Do this market really needs another blog theme? Can I create a theme which can compete against best blog themes? If not, wouldn’t be wiser to go for a less saturated category?

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Yes I know I should chase the best design but as somebody said even elite authors get few sales. About Blog/Magazine section and 1.500 items - yes but I create personal blog and there are 650 - year ago was 300. If somebody is looking for personal blog do not buy magazine with hundreds of sections.

Some reason can be also this that two years ago my work was about 3-4 days on first page of TF and big traffic from it. Right now 24H is max.

Sales are down because of summer.

You know this from Your experience ? Because for example on dating site traffic rise in summer.

Yes, from my experience and experience from any other developer.

So what is that saying to you? People are on vacation and they don’t think about business websites.

But looking for girls :wink:

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My theme accepted on april and all it’s sale were 13 only !

i think the main reason of the low sales rate is the summer