Do you clean your portfolios from time to time?

Hi, I’m presently doing a bit of cleaning at my profile. Getting rid of some zero sales items, but also listening to all of my files and deleting anything that I now think is too weak compared with my whole portfolio or with the competition, etc.

Any thoughts about the benefits or negative sides of doing such a thing? I sometimes wonder if I help my small business by doing this or if the benefits are just in my mind.

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I guess it’s not necessary. You never know which track will sells next. Instead of deleting i’d rather prefer to update and improve old music. Just for my humble opinion.


Thank you for your opinion. :slight_smile:

I think I need to put a bit more thoughts in this habit (I have done this kind of cleaning a few times already over the last two years). I don’t like clutter, but maybe I should learn to live with it.

(I make more sound effects than music, so the files are piling up quite fast, but I’m not even sure if buyers are visiting profiles much or if they mostly buy precise items from the search engine. Having access to more buyers behavior stats would be cool).

Hi mates,
Yes, i did it sometime. Make and keep all the best stuffs of us. If it didn’t make impact at the first place. It’s hard to get a good sale. So we should make another with our current best quality for the clients.

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Thank you,

I try to make my mind about what to do next. I have set a new goal this morning (reach the top 200 authors before the end of the year) and wonder about a lot of things tonight. Simply exchanging a few words with a few authors can go a long way sometimes. It can help to see things from some different angles. I appreciate your input. :slight_smile:

If the portfolio has a track that sold 0 times and which is 1 year (for example). Does it make sense to update, improve, add new versions? It will still be at the very bottom of the search results, because it’s already old. Or am I wrong?


Thanks. That same point figures among my questioning. :slight_smile:

Today, I deleted some files, but I also updated the titles of a few of my logos (by removing some unnecessary words, etc), but I’m not sure how it could help them much because some are 2 years old… They will not suddenly pop up at the top for some minor title changes… So, maybe it’s a bit futile?

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Personally, my opinion is that the old and poorly selling track will not be able to “reanimate”. It is better to spend energy on creating something new and better quality

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It’s really a subjective matter. Sometimes it’s the little details that count; personally I’ve deleted some of my old tracks that I consider to be obsolete or not updatable from my point of view. It’s a matter of personal view.

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For authors who are registered with AdRev: This month my track with 0 sales earned 60$. (and I think it’s going to bring money every month from now on, if the user doesn’t delete his video) You never know who is gonna steal your track, so I don’t delete them anymore.


I think there’s no “weak” tracks… There’s “useful” tracks… and they have been approved here, so they are useful enough.
You can think what you want about your tracks… until these tracks are well sold, as @MARiAN said.

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I think I’ll try to strike the right balance between removing some files I feel are too weak by instinct and stay conservative about my spring cleaning. (I do sell very old files sometimes, but it’s extremely rare for those to become steady sellers).

Thank you all for your opinions. :slight_smile:

I’ve recently seen some of my items (also sound effects) that are over a year old with 0 sales get a few sales in the course of a couple days.

I just don’t really see any reason to spend time deleting items when they actually may end up selling. every once in awhile I do flip through my portfolio and see if anything could be named better though and I have seen a benefit from doing this.

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Thank you sfx colleague,

First, I’m glad you sold some old 0 sales items. :slight_smile:

Most comments so far are hinting that it’s probably best to keep most files in a portfolio, in case they sell at some point in time, so I’ll keep this in mind while going forward with my spring cleaning.

I made a few cleanups by the past, but started thinking about this again when I read an Envato’s post dealing a bit about the subject (somewhere in this cryptic text!) :

I think when we’re talking about sound effects specifically, they are wayyy less likely to get lost in the noise. There are twice as many music tracks as there are sound effects on AJ… that’s crazy. Sound effects also don’t really suffer from the same naming problem that music does here. Item names in the sound effects category can have far more variation and be able to sell. Even very saturated categories like transitions, new items can be pretty successful over time.

I think it might be worth it to go back and remove music tracks with 0 sales, that are greater than a year old. Mainly because each track represents a more significant time investment in the creation and you could pull it to try and sell on another market. It also would reduce some of the bloat that we see in that market here.

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Good observations. :slight_smile:

You’re certainly right about the naming issue. As much as I hate how the naming works for music and logos (I can’t help but think it looks so ridiculous to see pages after pages of tracks with the same titles!), but for sound effects, it’s pretty explanatory. When a buyer types “cartoon arrow” (no auto-promotion here as I don’t have such an fx), that’s what he’ll get.

With thousands of files added every year, no search engine tweaks will ever be perfect for all of us, I guess. Thanks for your input. :slight_smile:

After a few days of reflexion, this sentence from you stayed in my mind: “Sometimes it’s the little details that count”. So, I decided to continue with my spring cleanup. Removing some obsolete sounds and renaming a few sfx to be more descriptive, etc. I also plan to update my profile information and work on categorizing my sounds too. Thank you. :slight_smile:

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Good call!

I recognize I very rarely remove items from my portfolio as from time to time very old items which are not really my cup of tea do come up with a sale or two. That said, having a consistent and polished portfolio can eventually lead you to be a featured author so I guess it could be a very wise move in the long run.

Luck mate!

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After a few days of thinking (and research) about this, I came to a similar conclusion. Clients seems to buy mainly from the search engine (or at least, that’s my impression), but for those who take the time to look at portfolios, maybe a clean, useful and well categorized place could help them push the “buy” button with a bit less hesitation?

I have a long way to go concerning this, though! I don’t do Audiojungle full time (at least, for now) and over the course of the last 2 years, I just piled my uploads without even looking a single time at my profile page (but I began to change a few things today).

Thank you. :slight_smile:

One of the things I like about this place, is that, community wise, it’s pretty active. Composing music or making sound effects can be quite solitary sometimes, so I’m glad a few authors responded to my call.

Good luck to you too!


It’s great to clean / chuck out into the bin, stuff that sold 0 for 2-3 years or more,
and especially if that track is showing up in “recomendations from this category”. You don’t need to show more recommandations if they are bad.

But regarding tracks that sold zero, if they are really good, and nicely worked, and had 0 sales,
it doesn’t mean that in the future someone will not grab them.

I wanted to get out 4 chillout tracks to create a Beatport EP instead,
but before getting them out (they were all 0 sales for more than 1 year),
someone from Japan grabbed one.

So it’s good to have a solid portfolio, where everything sounds professional.
Even if stuff has 0 sales (but sounds good) I advise to keep it there.

Unless you really want to get it out somewhere else, and you’re exclusive.

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