Is it bad manners to delete items from my portfolio?

I have been pondering lately whether it is rude to the reviewers if I delete items from my portfolio. I don’t know how much time they spend doing their reviews, but I’m grateful for the wonderful work they do reviewing and curating the AudioJungle library, and they are always very helpful with any issues. However, I very regularly go through and delete items from my portfolio if they are not selling. Sometimes they have zero sales, or sometimes they get a few but it dies away over time. Now, one thought I have is that I am making AudioJungle a better place by deleting items; the less stuff cluttering up the site, the better it is for all of us! But then I also consider that the reviewers have put time into listening and approving the tracks, would they be frustrated that the tracks are deleted a few months later?

I honestly believe that no longer is the number of tracks on a website an attractive feature. Every site in this competitive market has hundreds of thousands of tracks, if anything that is probably off-putting to buyers!!! I personally wish everybody else was also deleting their non-performing music. And to be honest, it has a personal benefit too; I believe that having less items in my portfolio will make it much easier to direct buyers to the better tracks. I don’t want them being overwhelmed by 3 or more pages of music!

They getting paid for reviewing, so nothing rude with it or something you should care about. Honestly I do not think they care about someone portfolio, unless the one get featured author or item spot :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, I dont see how they would even find out you had deleted an item :slight_smile:
And as @TitanSlayer said, they get paid either way.
I’ve been thinking about what to do with items that doesnt sell myself and have for now concluded with that I’m not going to delete anything. I THINK most buyers use the search function to find music and never visits the authors portfolio. If they do I’ve realized that I can’t predict what music the buyer think is good. Many of the tracks I thought of as my best have never sold and many that I didn’t have much hope for has had a lot of sales.
I think it’s often not the quality of the items that decides if an item is sold or not, but rather if its found. If its not found it isn’t cluttering up the search results, but if someone someday search for the combination of keywords: tuba, depressing, bagpipes, advertising, I know a track that will be on the first place of the search results :wink:

Well we do have to write down a reason each time we delete an item, so they must know it happens, no doubt they have some kind of stats they keep, for example “1000 tracks were deleted in November”

Yes, this is the ultimate truth about AJ. The music on here is a commodity. A best seller is a best seller because it is a best seller.

You have to write a reason for items update as well, nevertheless, items now updated automatically, so not a single reviewer have to deal with it. Same way happens with deleting. Once you pressed a button - item is gone. It’s just a formality, no one out there actually reading reasons for deleting or whatever it might be.

I wasn’t aware of this.

I don’t think everyone have automatic updates. I know of at least one who doesn’t: me. I have no idea why…

I have deleted some of the old tracks that not quite good at my current quality.Because i want my customers get the best from me. Actually, our tracks like the stone over the sea. A lot of great tracks out there. You too.
God bless us.

Same here. My updates need to be reviewed first. Maybe it depends on the number of hard rejects? (could be the issue in my case at least). Just guessing though.

Never delete them.

Yes, it could be. But I’ve almost 200 items accepted and just a few hard rejects from over a year ago. Sorry for the off-topic.

Regarding updates being automatic or not…Elite authors’ updates are not reviewed. Everyone else’s updates go through a review. This was the caveat Envato made when they started the new process for updates.

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I found some other outlets for tracks that were only getting a few views a month here and took those off here and they are getting used elsewhere. I dont see the points of keeping them here if they’re just going to waste. just came and looked at views for this month and its almost none at all so in the end i will take them down and put them with other distributors.

I think automatic updates are now activated for other authors too; provided that they pass a certain threshold (probably about a constant low rejection rate / an historic of accurate descriptions and tags, etc).

About deleting items, I would say to do it case by case (instead of deleting all zero-sales items, etc). :slight_smile:

An idea: before deleting too many items, maybe try to revise titles, descriptions and tags? A bit like stores do when they change the shop front display. No need to rethink it all, but maybe add a missing detail or replace a few tags. (I’ve done this a few days ago and already see some results).

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I think it can be the right thing to do depending on the reason the music doesn’t sell.

There are two different possible issues. Either no one sees the songs in a search or they aren’t wanted. You have a few possible fixes for exposure, but no fix if no one wants the music in question.

Lack of Exposure
If the music isn’t being seen, it might be your metadata needs to be revamped. But, it could also be that the genre / style is grossly over saturated and there’s too much competition. You have no control over that second one. Many people with similar music probably have very good metadata, so improving yours may not help much. It might already be good. There’s just too much competition. When that’s the case, only external promotion driving traffic to your profile page is going to help you.

You can set up and promote a personal website that offers your music as an Envato affiliate site that houses the previews of your portfolio on that site and sends people directly to the item page for purchase. This way, you’re still able to benefit from being on AJ while having a way to bypass the search engine.

You also have social media marketing (SMM), which is a whole topic by itself. Some people don’t think that works, but it can if you do it right. I don’t send people to my current AJ account, (which just started uploading last week) because the account I’m using to type this is non-exclusive and the split is very low. But my upcoming exclusive account (for a different set of music under a different identity) will focus mainly on external promo and SMM because my split will be higher.

If lack of exposure seems to be the problem because you can tell you aren’t getting views, try the above.

Weak Material
What if the problem is not that it isn’t being seen, but that no one likes it? The search engine is deaf. It can’t listen to your song and say, “Oh, never mind, this one sucks.” It’s going to index it anyway and the metadata / tags might be exactly what the customer ordered. It might even come up at the top of page one. That doesn’t mean it will sell. Perhaps the music is seen all the time and just not purchased. That’s definitely clogging up the search engine and removing it under those circumstances is the right thing to do ethically.