Didn't receive this month payment.

I just wanted to know that all you guys received your November Payment? Because I didn’t…

I know it’s weekend but am curious…

Thanks :slight_smile:


Thanks for asking your question at Envato forum.

I hope your payment will received 17 Dec 2018.

No worry mate!
Withdraw processing not working on weekend (Sat+Sun).
Hope fully you will received payment on Monday.



Hmm! Okay thanks a lot :slight_smile: Let’s wait for Monday :stuck_out_tongue:

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Payments from the market are on 15, payments from Elements are on 16.

All payments are made Melbourne time (now in Melbourne about 9:10 PM December 15) - so 15 was (and still is) saturday. Payments do not work on weekends so the money will arrive on monday 17.

100% sure of that :slight_smile: