Congratulations to our Community Superstar for April!!!


Congratulations to @Patchesoft who contributed this incredibly raw and honest article to Community.Envato this month. It’s so important that we have people starting conversations about topics like this as it reminds those going through the same thing they’re not alone.

Please join me in congratulating @Patchesoft!

And don’t forget! You can all have your say as to who is our Community Superstar each month. Just use this form and nominate someone you’ve seen helping others, contributing well on the forums and blog, and perhaps just a person you noticed doing something good in our community.


Wow! Thank you- I really didn’t expect this.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write the article :slight_smile:

Congratulations :smile: Well done!

Well deserved and great article! Congrats, @Patchesoft! :tada:

Congrats @Patchesoft! and thank you.

The last part of your article: «Moving forward», I appreciated particularly. Of course, sometimes, it’s easier said than done, but that’s always the right way to go. Thank you @Patchesoft to help me keep this advice fresh to my mind and good luck for the future.

Well earned, @Patchesoft, great article! :star:

Congratulations :slight_smile:
