Category Page Experiments

Hi @trent-aus

I suppose you are still working on sorting out the sort by trending mess on AJ, and maybe there is a deeper problem going on for you guys, I don’t know. Hope you will solve it soon.

But I would like to encourage your team to strongly consider removing the “Trending function” altogether for AJ. The trending function encourages temporarily price dumping, but more worrying it encourages illegal self purchasing and self rating as well, especially now after author driven pricing this is an increasing problem.

And there is little or nothing that is being done and controlled by support when we report this, I have talked to many authors who is just recommending me to give up on reporting these illegal activities to support. Which is quite sad.

Anyways, the trending function is not including top sellers now, which it has done previous weeks. But still the tracks without “blue trending icon” are low performing tracks from 2012-2011 in most categories.

EDIT: Forgot to mention best rated (as mentioned by many) should also be considered removed as a search option. Maybe it makes sense for Sound effects, I don’t know. But certainly not of practical value for music tracks.

This earlier post contains a good explanation from a music track customer why Best Rated is not relevant anymore: New Experiments Beginning for AudioJungle and CodeCanyon Item Pages

Thanks for considering!