Can you undo purchases?

Hi, if you are not satisfied with a product you bought, can you in any way cancel the purchase? Don’t know if EU law applies in this way?


Generally you can do that cause Envato have some policy about customer purchasing from here you can see that.

You can ask refund your purchase item author. if he agree your aim will be success but if author don’t agree with you then you can do anything i think.
You are able to get refund or not you can find that from here

Still have any question open a Help Ticket they would like to assist you with an official answer.


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If you haven’t downloaded the purchased file, yes, you should be able to get a refund without issues, however, if you’ve already downloaded the product, authors are not obliged to give a refund, since, being a digital good, there is now way to return it, therefore, the decision will be up to the author if he wishes to refund the purchase or not. ( exceptions: when the item has sever malfunctions / bugs / is not as described, in which case you are definitely entitled to a refund an the item will be investigated )

You can find more regarding this, with full details as to what can be and what cannot be refunded following this link:

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Ok, of course I have downloaded the item and seen that it is not compatible with phpbb really. There are a lot of bugs and stuff but I don’t have to explain that here. How do I go about “returning” the item?

In the case of bugs coming from the item itself, and not third party causes, you are entitled to a refund. First you’ll have to open a refund request using this link -

Your request will be processed by the author, they can provide tips, support on fixing the issue in which case you may wish to change your mind. Authors have 7 days to respond / resolve a refund request. After that they get passed along to Envato to resolve.

If the author rejects your refund, and you know the issues are coming from the item, you’ll be able to dispute the refund request using the link that will come by mail when the refund is rejected. In this case, an Envato Staff member will check both the case you’ve stated for a refund and the item for defects, bugs and all other quality checks, in which case, if the item is buggy, they will overturn the authors rejection decision and refund you your purchase! :slight_smile:

To avoid issues like these in the past, I strongly recommend talking to the author of the item via the Item Comments section to clarify any questions you may have. This can spare you a lot of headaches!


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Ok. I understand that I made a big mistake, but I have a question. Since I will not use the theme I purchased, can I give it to someone else for free?


You have purchased the item license. So, you are free to use it for your personal use (website) or for your client or for your friend. Only important thing is that only you (your envato account) are allowed to download future update and get item author support.



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This requires more clarification. Please check these terms to be sure you’re allowed to do so:

Is my license transferable?
Generally, your license is not transferable. There are a few exceptions:

  • If you are a freelancer / agency using the item for a single end product for one client. The license would in effect be transferred to the client.
  • If you sell the single instance of an end product, such as a website installation. The license would in effect be transferred to the new owner.
  • If you are using the item as part of an on-demand “create-your-own” service where you purchase a separate license on behalf of the customer for each individual end product they make. Each license would in effect be transferred to the customer.
  • If you are a 3rd party purchasing a license to use as a prize / giveaway (see this help article for more information on external promotions). The license would in effect be transferred to the recipient of the giveaway.
  • In all of these cases, be sure to point the client / customer / recipient to the license terms and delete the item from your own systems.

Example : You use a theme to create your website. Later, you sell that website to someone else. You are allowed to do this, but you then must delete the theme from your systems.

Anyone who owns or sells the theme I bought has written to me asking for the money back. What is the proccess I have to do to get the money back?

The license only allows for one use e.g. one website/client/project, so this is one person asking for money back?

You can’t distribute the item ‘as is’ without modification, so is it possible that the errors are a result of the modification and not the original item (which would have been checked pre-release).

While I doubt envato would have anything to do with this situation I would expect that much more information on the issues would be required either way