Can you please tell why the item got rejected?

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “DevShowcase - Web Developer & Designer Portfolio HTML5 Template” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

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We hope to see a new submission from you soon!

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Envato Quality team

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My demo intro page: Nioh Landing Pages
My demo main page: Nioh | Responsive HTML5 Template

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Marquee tag is deprecated in HTML5. You should not use it.

Thanks for reply!
What else anything with my project, please tell me know

Font color not good with dark background ,
Add space bettwen title and subtitle

Desgin with tablet screen , u need add more space bettwen image and title , good to select two fonts only ,
Keep work

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@MA-Studios Thank you for your reply, I don’t know if I can edit this template and upload the same product again?

it looks like you can just upload the same but there must be changes as suggested by @MA-Studios

@Ryan-creative thanks for reply, I have already changed but still getting rejected, can you tell me what else is the problem?

I can see that something is missing from the font which is too tenuous, try using it as a title only. and most importantly, use a font family for the title, use a thick weight… for the font, don’t forget about the license.

@Ryan-creative thanks. Can you tell me more about the license? Was I reject due to a license issue?

I don’t know the font license you are using… and is there no explanation in the email for the rejection of the reasons why it was rejected, for licenses you can study on Google “write about font licenses” there you read and learn. I can not help much and I hope you understand . Don’t give up, you just have to keep the spirit ok!!! :wink:

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@Ryan-creative thank you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: