Betheme – Header, sticky header & Parallax not working

I’ve made the update from WordPress 5.5 to 5.6, so i’m not sure if it’s due to it, but since Friday 8th afternoon, i’ve faced many issues with my betheme.

First , various random CSS stopped working, other blocks (button an dplaceholders mostly) exchanged places on the builder with me not touching it.
Second , i’ve got a massive issue with the Parallax image option on my page. My background images are inserted with the Betheme options when creating a section and choosing “Background | Position -> Parallax”
(on sections “WE HELP YOU ENGAGE & PERFORM IN ESPORTS”, “WE CAN DO EVEN MORE FOR YOU”, “OPPORTUNITIES”). Those were working perfectly this morning.

Third , My menu bar is generated by the Betheme options > Header & Subheader > Header > Layout > Style=Transparent.
There are two issues : 1, the “a” and “span”; of the header are out of the place made for them. They were at the same height than the logo, but they are not anymore for no known reason.
2, the sticky header isn’t working, and it doesn’t appear when i scrool down the page (it worked perfectly this Friday 8th.).
I’ve tried every recommended things (deleting cache, deactivating plugins, etc…) and nothing changed. It seems like some parts of the code just stopped working, such as the JS for parallax and the html + js for sticky header.

It’s a business website and i need it to be perfect, so these issues are much of a burden.

ps : i’ve nearly not changed the custom css. I added only 3 classes, and i tried to deactivate my custom css by boxing them with /* */ comments, didn’t change a thing.

Has anyone experienced such bugs ?
What are the ways to fix it ?


Contact with your purchase item author @muffingroup right here as a comments

hope they will helped!

@muffingroup I’ve been invited to tag you directly, so here it is!


My problem has been solved.
To all needing advice for the same issue : i created a child theme, saved the database, and reuploadeds with the .zip file Betheme, directly from the WordPress theme installer.

Now it’s working the same it used to.

Have a nice day,