Best selling authors tracks sales (inconsistencies)...?

So, I’ve been looking at the portfolios of the best selling authors in the genre of music I’m starting to write for and I’ve noticed something.

They all seem to have about 50 tracks and 48 of them will have anywhere between 10 and 200 sales (most around 30-50)…

And then 2 tracks will have about 10,000 sales each.

How does that work?

I’ve looked at the tracks and there doesn’t seem to be any difference in quality of composition or production between those tracks and the others.

But the difference in sales figures seems to be astronomical.

Do clients looking for tracks just always go for whatever’s the most popular…?


It’s a question with no answer. The popularity depends of a lot of random and non-random factors.


Isn’t that because these tracks have been featured or available for free at some point?

And then 2 tracks will have about 10,000 sales each.

How does that work?

A track promoted on the popular files page can stay there for as long as 5 years. They typically land there by getting “featured” or “Promoted” on the featured files page and they go on and sell 20 or more units in one week after being featured. Some can get there on their own when the track is just so good, everyone wants to buy it and it sells 20 or more times during release week. Getting there on it’s own merit is very hard imho. Other tracks land on popular files page through other means like self buying or asking friends and family members to buy the track so it lands on the popular files page.

Do clients looking for tracks just always go for whatever’s the most popular…?

It seems that way! I’m sure others will chime in about the page but you now have my opinion about how this happens. I don’t think too many AJ veterans will disagree with me though. Nor would envato staff.