Author-Driven Pricing Coming to AudioJungle

Hi Everyone,

Today, we’re officially launching Author Driven Pricing (ADP) for AudioJungle and following up with more information about the Fixed Buyer Fees for audio categories. You can read the specifics on the Envato Author Help Center here.

Author Driven Pricing is live on AudioJungle from today and you - as the Author, can now set the price of your items. As you know, alongside the author’s Item Price, Envato charges customers a Buyer Fee. As part of ADP, the old percentage based Buyer Fees have now moved to a new Fixed Buyer Fee system. With these changes to the Buyer Fee, you may have noticed that the List Price (aka total Purchase Price) that customers see may have increased or decreased as a result.

What has not changed
Please note that these fee changes do not impact the Item Price that you - as an Author, set at your sole discretion, and therefore your item’s earnings per sale remain the same here as well. (Note: For technical reasons where the previous Item Price was non-integer, it was rounded up to the nearest whole dollar amount.)

Authors now have complete independence in setting the Item Price for each of their AudioJungle items as you wish. Please read through the article on the Author Help Center carefully and review the following information below for further clarification.

What do Authors need to know?
Authors can now enter item prices for all available license types for their item(s) into the price text box on the upload page, or on the edit item page.

Price recommendations will be shown alongside the item price field as a guide only. Once you’ve submitted your edits, the price change will take effect immediately. Read more about Selecting a Price on an Author-Driven Pricing category and How Promotions Work in an author-driven pricing marketplace.

Important Information About Pricing Discussions
Moving forward with Author-Driven Pricing, it’s important to note that there are strict laws governing pricing conduct. In particular, it’s strictly prohibited to have an agreement, arrangement or understanding between competing businesses (such as two authors) about what price point to sell at. How to price your work is a commercial decision you will need to make for yourself. Read more about Setting Prices Responsibly.

Please let us know if you have any general questions. As always, remember to check to see if your question has already been answered and avoid any discussion on the specifics of how you are pricing your item or what you think item prices should be (posts of this nature will be deleted immediately).

**Please note: During the launch activities today, we discovered an issue incorporating the new $0 fixed buyer fee for Sound Effects. As a result of this, we have rolled back Author Pricing for sound effects only. We will update you when we know more
