AudioJungle Sales Monitor 2

I know this is approaching stalker level, but just for fun I searched for the word “dead” in Marbury’s comment history and got 234 instances!!

He’s not wrong though, this week is properly, properly dead.


If you’re gonna build a brand, you need to be consistent.


I don’t know what you guys are talking about. I always have a HUGE peak in sales around the 20th.

Got 2 Sales in the last 24 hours. All 38$ items.

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Same here. Yesterday was the best selling day for me since I joined AJ!

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It’s time to sing then!

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday…

lol one of my favourite songs, btw

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I guess everyone’s definition of “dead” is different. I got 2 sales on the 20th and 1 so far today, but it is by far my worst month for a while despite lots of uploads.

You can see from the weekly top sellers list that there is a drop across the board though, so I’m not too worried. As long as I’m not dropping down the top authors rankings then I know I’m not under performing.


4 Days without a sale, that means dead for me. :sweat:

PS; Absolutely dead, exactly.


The truest definition of “dead” :frowning_face: Come on September!


I think this is a search engine feature. we get to the first page in turn. I often see spikes in the sales of the different musicians but then a great calm.

For me, today is the exact same as yesterday: a pretty good day. Thanks to ADP.

Re-energized to kick the workplace into high gear and upload items; with the goal of beating my personal all-time record in September.


You are kinda agressive, my friend. Passively agressive.
Negative attracts negative. You need some love and optimism.
All will be great soon

I think that there is no aggression from Marbury, as everyone has a drop in sales, which is what we are discussing here. We are all used to “absolutely dead” so this is a common phenomenon, as well as the rain outside the window. :wink:


Absolutely dead is a bad sentence here, but woo hoo hoo is the “happiest/best” sentence in this thread…

They are sentence equal legit.

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I think Marb likes to stir people to the last inch before it can be called proper trolling (master of the genre, in my opinion!). But the guy’s a very nice person by private messages. My gut feeling is that his forum presence is some kind of act, for one part, but the other half stems from a genuine observation that the royalty free world is not what it used to be anymore…

On a light note:

Try this incantation instead, works for me: Woo hoo hoo! Absolutely Alive! Yay! Yay! Yay!

Say this non-stop for hours, days or weeks in a row and then bling! A sale materialize! :wink:


Marbury is an excellent author, he just sometimes writes what he thinks, maybe it’s even right.

Yep. Also this. :slight_smile:

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wow, i see
I do not know him personally, but it just looks weird to post this everyday.
Sorry if i’m wrong.

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I always thought that this is a friendly place and there are no trolls here (probably?) :slight_smile: