"Are you sure you want to do this?" error on Localhost

I am hosting wordpress locally and purchased the Total theme but am unable to install it. I have:

1.) Downloaded the correct “Installable Wordpress File Only” and tried to upload
2.) Downloaded the “All files and documentation” file, extracted the files and then tried to upload only the “Installable-Theme” > “Total.zip” file
3.) Added “define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );” to my wp-config.php file

Does anyone have any ideas about why I’m not able to get this installed?

Also, I am able to install the “total-child-theme.zip”, but it just pulls the generic Total template from wordpress as its parent…

This error typically means the PHP file upload size limit is smaller than the uploaded file size. The variables to configure in php.ini are:

post_max_size 48M
upload_max_filesize 48M

Alternatively you can extract the installable wordpress file into the /wp-content/themes/ directory via FTP to manually install.

Hope that helps!
