Are Music Packs and Music Kits still worth it?

Hey guys!

I stopped uploading music packs and kits a while ago — mainly because I didn’t have enough time, and actually since Elements appeared it felt like the effort didn’t justify the returns. But maybe I’m wrong and it is still a good additional source of income?

What’s your experience been like over the past couple of years? Are packs and kits still paying off for you and are you still uploading them? Thanks!

TBH with you it is not worth it as some authors are offering their packs at such a low price (no margin after fees) that I do not know why they do it and also they do not feature on Elements. I still have them in my portfolio but I have not sold any in quite a while - years in fact.


Hi gballx, I sometimes sell packs, but very rarely, I thought maybe it is because they are very old in my portfolio. Concerning the prices - yes, it’s the eternal question, why sell for next to nothing… Thanks for sharing your experience!

Not worth it. I stopped uploading them few years ago.

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Thanks, same here