Almost One month ago (August 8), I applied to become an Envato Element Author, usually how long does it take for Envato to review my portfolio? is it 4 weeks or 6 weeks or even more than that?
For those of you who are already an envato element author, let me know, how long it took for you to be approved as an author on Envato Element?
and one more question, is it true, if I don’t get an approval email from Envato, that means my application is rejected ??
it really makes me sick, it’s like they are ignoring me, but that’s okay, i know maybe they don’t have enough time to send rejection e-mails to me or the thousands of people applying to be authors on envato element.
but how long will it take for me to know that i am really rejected? Is it true that 2 months is the longest time for them to review my portfolio?
lol i am a graphic designer for 17 years and never been accepted either in envato studio or elements , buddy … i am not sure what is the criteria of selection apart from maybe creating assets rather than print templates (it looks either if so) … to answer your question , u failed to read properly what they said and what i wrote too lol if they do not feel interested in u and what u have to offer, u get no message , so no need to wait for it, u may wait for long lol
Thank you very much for your appreciation, you make me optimistic and a little less worried. I hope what you say can be a prayer for me to become an author of Envato Element
Fortunately I was invited from the beginning (don’t know why me). Several months after I was not temped to participate in Elements (stupid me). Now from my experience there Elements is way more better the GR.
u did not get it … he was asked to join from the beginning (envato contacted him with they opened the thing, if u wish) … he just did not upload right after joining, which happens to a lot of people whether this is in GR or elsewhere
Oh, i am sorry… I just get it now… I think when you didn’t upload the item at that time or ignore the invitation, the invitation will expire or something. Hahaha luckie you… I just check your envato element @DesignSomething… Your item is so greatgreat.