API key entry missing in themeforest setting, how to obtain it?

I purchased my theme some 7 years ago but never used it. Now that I have started implementing it on my domain, I found that I need to add username and API key in the envato plugin. But when I visit my themforest setting, page there is no entry for API key. How do I obtain. There is does not seem to be direct support access on themeforest. Or is there something I am missing? May be things have changed since then?

Url to my setting is here.

Hi @hammad1001,

Envato API personal token:

You can generate Envato API personal token here . Please make sure you set required Token permissions. It may prompt you to sign into your Envato account

Before you create a new token the following 3 permissions should be selected from the list of permission available on the Token page.

  1. View and search Envato sites (checked by default)
  2. Download the user’s purchased items
  3. List purchases the user has made

Hope this will help you.


Thanks @mgscoder ! This helped a lot. I ran into another issue now. I put int my username of themeforest and my API key and token name which I just created but I am getting “Unauthorized” error, do you know what the issue could be. Am I suppose to use a different username, may be for envato site (and not themeforest). I bought the theme on themeforest though. Screenshot of error is below. Thanks!


Response codes

  • 401 means the authorization header is missing or malformed. Verify that your code is correct.

Please make sure you have entered the correct code without any space at the beginning and the end.

@mgscoder I am using the ‘Envato Toolkit’ plugin where I am entering
username (for envato) : this is my themeforst username
API Key: which I just created
personnel toke : the name I had given to my API

I am leaving the other fields blank. I don’t see where I will be setting the headers, Then I click “Check for Details” at the very bottom of the page and I get this page result which I have shared the screenshot for. So not sure what can I do here. I did try ‘Register App’ option but that also did not work. Do I have to register my domain/website anwhere for it to work? Coz I have not registered it anywhere. Thanks

There are no more API keys here. The key you created at build.envato.com is now called a “personal token”. The format will look like this: DxPBesBRjQFXVnf77PdvPQGi5DAjEFa5

You need to upgrade to the new plugin:

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That worked. Thank you so much!! @baileyherbert

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