How do I find my Envato API key?

How do I find my API Key? There used to be a menu item for it on themeforest but can’t find it anywhere on the site.


Hi @savvycreative2000,

The “API Keys” section on Themeforest was for our legacy API, which was decommissioned a while back. Our modern API can be found at (thanks @ki-themes!) . Once you sign in there, you’ll see a “My Apps” page where you can generate a personal token to use with the API.


Check this link brother :

Now that was a tough one to figure out! Whew. I’m so glad that someone posted this question on the forums…

To the Envato team (assuming that @rosssimpson and others at Envato are still following these forums…), would it be so hard to put a link on the Settings menu just as it was before, but redirecting to the website instead? This is just because after having done this just once, months if not years ago, I’ll quickly forget everything about it and will need to search the net (meaning: these forums) in order to find a reply…

You already have some information on ThemeForest warning the user that their login/password/email data is available from a different page/site (namely, the ‘main’ Envato website). It would make sense to add information about in essentially the same way…

Hi @GwynethLlewelyn,

We did have a link there for a long while after we decommissioned the old API keys section, but it’s since been removed.

May I ask, what led you to that page to search for your API key? Was it memory of having done it before, or did you follow a link there somewhere? We occasionally run across outdated links and aim to fix them (or to notify the author of the item to fix it in their documentation). If it was a link, can you share where it is so we can get it updated?



Hi Ross,
This is pretty confusing… Essential Grid is asking for an accounts API key and says to look in the settings tab of my profile. (nothing there).
Following the link to it all looks like something for your developers, not for regular users.
Where do I find an account api key to install essential grid?

Hi @nc3d,

Envato API for both Authors and Customers depends on how they will use it.

Envato API personal token:

You can generate Envato API personal token here . Please make sure you set required Token permissions. It may prompt you to sign into your Envato account

Before you create a new token the following 3 permissions should be selected from the list of permission available on the Token page.

  1. View and search Envato sites (checked by default)
  2. Download the user’s purchased items
  3. List purchases the user has made

Hope this will help you.


When I go to that page, this is what it says : Could not load signed in user profile: The API returned an error (403 - )

Do I have to create a separate account aside from my account in

Hi @rgscully,

Envato API will work only for the Item(s) purchased from the Envato market (like themeforest, codecanyon). Envato API will not work with Elements account.


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