Any other site like lorempixel

Hi there

This is great

But it works not so good in my side (almost 50% of the time not showing :crying: )

Any other websites like ?


Thanks OriginalEXE , not works for me (Your IP address based on the country, region or network has been flagged by the website owner )

I just found this article by jeffry way

top 8 placeholders , only PlaceKitten and Placedog works for me

PlaceKitten is unbelievable fast (just like opening the local images)

Placedog is unbelievable slow :stuck_out_tongue:

LoremPixum is quite unstable :

Service Temporarily Unavailable  

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Additionally, a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

others are just can’t be opened

EireStudio said

works fine , a bit slow than PlaceKitten

Thanks EireStudio

Why don’t you save those images and host them on your own server?

FinalDestiny said

Why don’t you save those images and host them on your own server?

Cuz it can be any size , it’s good to have a quick usage temporarily

But your idea is also not bad :wink: