Another author used our product


I am happy with everything you’re and Envato team doing. Recently this thing happen its very critical, I don’t think any author facing this issue. The story started.

  1. Another author used our product, just change the logo and color uploaded on codecanyon its approved.
  2. Other buyer report us and we do DMCA takedown process. Item going down.
  3. Recently i received the email the author put back DMCA. (If i didn’t submit legal court processing envato make live again that product item)
  4. I try and contact envato team but they said something like its court processing, you need to go court against author. Author is from Pakistan. How we process the court things ? Envato team at least investigate the code we shared and the design. I have all the evidence and i am 100% sure its copy our product and uploaded.

Where i need to go now ?
What is the role of Envato if someone copy the same product and its approved by Envato team ?

I am apologize if something wrong said.

Waiting for revert.

can you share some details about that anther and product ?

author( use our item ( Just reskin the data and uploaded on ( I reported and item removed by investigation team.

I try and make full evidence PDF. How i get justice against my product. ?

As per forum TOS please don’t call out other authors. The item has been removed.

As per other threads - you need to continue communications with support. No one here will be able to give you more relevant advice.

If the other author has countered with an official claim on copyright/ownership (regardless of the evidence against it) then there is nothing much else that envato can do because they are not the copyright holder.