Hi all,
I would like to know if it’s possible to use AI image generated from Bing image creator as preview image for videohive ? I asked already before but have some doubt about after discussing it with other authors. If someone have a official related article link, would be great. Thanks
In this article they explained that you can use AI generated content as preview image but only if you have the correct commercial license for that image.
Thanks, ok but bing image creator don’t have commercial plan.
I dot this answer from microsoft
Hi Morgan,
Welcome to the Microsoft community.
My name is Hahn and I’m here to help you with your concern.
Of course, I can help clarify this for you. There are some considerations when using images generated by Bing Image Creator as a preview for a video template item sold on the Envato Market platform.
License and rights of use: Before using these images, check the terms of use of Bing Image Creator. Make sure you have the right to use these images for preview purposes in your Envato item.
Preview only: You’ve mentioned that the images won’t be included or resold in the final element, but only used to embellish the preview. This seems to be in line with common practice. However, it is essential to respect Envato Market’s specific conditions of use.
Transparency and communication: To avoid any confusion, be sure to include a clear statement in the description of your video element, indicating that the images used for the preview are generated by Bing Image Creator and are not part of the final element.
Consult Envato Market: I strongly recommend that you consult Envato Market’s specific guidelines for using images generated by third-party tools. You can also contact their helpdesk for specific advice on your particular case.
In summary, as long as you respect usage rights, communicate transparently and use these images for preview purposes only, you should be able to embellish your video element without any problems. Don’t forget to check Envato Market’s specific terms and conditions to ensure compliance. Happy creating!
So, it’s look OK
Actually no.
Envato article I shared above is clear about AI generated content used for preview image and says “it remains your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct commercial license to use the asset within the item preview”.
Microsoft staff also mentioned “it is essential to respect Envato Market’s specific conditions of use”.
You are uploading something to Envato platform and if they want you to have commercial license for that, then that’s what you need, and that’s what Microsoft support tried to explain, that what Envato requires is what matters in this case and guided you to contact Envato support to clarify.
You can contact Envato support team here for any doubts regarding the license you need for AI generated preview image.
Big thanks to you, i’m late, so busy, sorry