AI Generated music - Abuse of uploading numerous tracks

Why do you think it’s AI? It doesn’t sound like AI for me. I may be wrong though. BTW I hear same few voices in these songs.

I bet it is a kind of a small publisher selling some type of limited copyright tracks made by one or a few producers. He’s from Australia so probably he was invited by staff to check how his vocal songs will manage in Elements. IMHO good try, however only part of these songs sound authentic. Most of them are typical stock-generic, though with vocal line which is a good addition.

We need a real authenticity.


Hi all. Sorry for not seeing this earlier - I’ve been in meetings and workshops all day. I can jump in and address some of the concerns raised about PureHits.

To begin, let me clarify that the PureHits account is a collection of music tracks that have been commissioned by Envato. It’s important to note that AI has not been involved in creating these tracks, and we are not looking to produce assets as an Author ourselves.

So: why have we introduced PureHits content to the library?

Our Research team recently carried out a collection of surveys and interviews with our video creator customers, as these are a key group for Elements. One resounding finding was the demand for what this audience were calling more ‘authentic sounding music’.

We recognise that stepping into new musical territory and uploading different styles of content can carry some risk for authors: without a lot of existing content on site to bring in customers, it’s risky producing content in a new style in the hopes that it will sell. For us to continue to grow and attract new customers, we need to test the waters with the genres and styles of audio that our customers are searching for. As we learn from this, we’ll feed back more information about these trends to our Author community to help you create more of the content our customers want.

To help with these learnings, we’re using the curated collection of tracks in the PureHits portfolio to gauge audience reception and see what resonates with our customers. That way, we can determine if we grow this ‘authentic’ genre further, and how we can approach that.

What is ‘authentic’ music?

We’ll be posting an article on the Author Hub that dives into ‘authentic music’ as an emerging theme, and how we’re defining this style. In short though, ‘authentic music’ is really just music that feels more like something you’d expect to hear on the radio, or on an album - something that wouldn’t be out of place in mainstream entertainment. It’s not just a tag, but an output and a style.

A lot of these tracks also involve vocals, though not all of them do. I know that a few of you have been pushing for more vocal content for a while now (I see you typing, @RedOctopus :smiley: ), so this should help build towards the kind of critical mass that might get vocal-seeking customers coming to Envato, instead of licensing their music elsewhere.

When the new Hub article is available, I’ll link to it here. In the meantime, I hope this sheds some light on our approach and clears up any confusion about PureHits.

If you have questions please ask them in this thread - I’ll do my best to get answers for you. I’m out tomorrow, but @KingDog will be around, and I’ll be back online again next Monday.


The lyrics sound like they’re pieced together by chatgpt. They’re often non-sensical and some words are weirdly slurred.

And there are oddities in the mix and orchestration. The discrepancy between the radio-ready master and professional vocal production on one end, and those oddities that sound amateurish and sometime just plain wrong, is intriguing.

For instance, there is a dubstep track which sounds normal for the drops, but the intro/build-up is really experimental and frankly sounds like it’s generated by a machine that missed the point of those parts.

I guess I and others here were fooled by these aspects and wrongly assumed AI was involved.


Take us all to the elements. And there will be authentic music))


It’s been years I’m trying to be authentic especially with vocals tracks and 80s music btw :slight_smile: I’m still waiting for an element invitation !


You should also start seeing more AudioJungle Authors being invited to Elements, too - this process has been paused for a while due to several competing priorities, but it’s moving again now.

These are likely to be drawn from several criteria. For example, the next batch has a group selected for AudioJungle sales performance, and a group selected for having lots of their music already featured in Video items on Elements.

These will change over time, but we want to start increasing the number of Elements spots available to Music authors once more. We’re not ready to reopen public applications, but I’ll try to get more information about upcoming waves of invitations so you know what the team are looking for.


I would at least be included in the free files))) Recently, nothing has been sold at all. It’s been a month…

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Thanks for that Info :slight_smile:

Obviously with AI and stuff like that it’s important for us to be more authentic and provide better work that has never been created. Even in a stock “standardization”.

It’s good you are testing those genres and more unique stuff.

It’s keep me motivated to keep that way and encourage me to get better of course ! If elements doors can be open so all that work was not wasted. An in any case, this has never been wasted time or work! Elements it’s just a way for many of us to get out from that hard times. But we are all dealing with this right now.

Good luck to everyone :slight_smile:


While I’m happy for the authors from AJ to be invited to Elements still need to ask is the customer base also proportionally expanding on Elements ,since a lot of authors are experiencing a decline of income from Elements


Great, this is something I’ve been writing about for many years!

One thing that makes me upset is that you do not mention prioritizing authentic tracks in the search results or in any places on site / marketing. Without this they will be flooded by generic tracks almost instantly.

I’ve made many authentic and creative tracks here but I’ve stopped - without rewarding them in the system, it’s simply not profitable enough.

And I wonder if staff is aware that there is a very big number of authentic tracks on Elements already but these tracks have lost visibility and are hard to reach even for diggers. I know it’s hard to find them but I can imagine making a topic on forum (+ info email sent to authors) which allows to nominate tracks for the authentic tracks curated list. Yes, I know it will be flooded by generic tracks submissions but still - after manual selection it can give a nice collection of authentic and creative tracks. I think we are talking about at least upper hundreds of great authentic tracks from various genres.

Of course it depends on “authenticity” definition. I would include in it “insanely creative” commercial tracks too, not only artistic-album pieces.


And I liked the music of PureHits.
Made very high quality.
But those tracks that really caught our attention have not yet had a single sale).
But tracks with one or two sales seemed weaker to me.
But this is purely my opinion.
But the music as a whole is well done.


I just wanted to share some of my personal findings, as we’ve gone through a transition from more generic stock to authentic content twice before in other content types. First with Photos and then again about 1-2 years later in Footage, and the exact same thing appears to be playing out now in Music.

Photos and Footage share a lot of similarities and for as long back as I can remember, nearly all stock Photos/Footage libraries looked very similar. Generic stock assets, where the entire scene was in-focus, obviously staged scenes, with washed out lighting and talent wearing forced cheesy smiles. Then one day, we just started getting requests for candid imagery that looked and felt like you’d expect a custom professional shoot to look. Candid & diverse subjects, in believable scenes, with natural lighting, and good use of depth of field. We started referring to the style internally as ‘authentic’ imagery.

Photos had the earliest and strongest demand out of the now three instances, but even there, the transition to customers preferring authentic imagery still took well over a year, and over 2 years for Footage. The transition period, especially in the beginning was a bit difficult. For as long as I’ve known about stock imagery, it’s always had that very generic look and feel. Customers have grown accustomed to it over the years, and most didn’t see the value in the more authentic look. At least not immediately.

As an author dedicating time and resources to produce stock content, you take on a lot of risk by creating content that doesn’t immediately appeal to the widest possible customer base. So it became a bit of a vicious circle, where authors would occasionally attempt to produce authentic content, the content would get buried by new, more generic content, and most of the people that did come across it, still preferred the older look. So the authentic assets would underperform, causing those authors to hesitate and in some cases fully revert back to the more traditional style.

The movement picked up steam organically over a pretty long period of time. Along the way, we tried our best to almost train our customer base on the value of authentic stock slowly without being too intrusive. Initially, we were just focused on getting authentic content into the library. Then we began promoting it through features, collections, and articles showcasing high quality examples, while also explaining the value proposition. Once some authentic visual assets caught on and started performing well, it gave other authors the confidence they needed to be able to produce authentic content as well. And after some more time, we got to the point where new content being published was pretty evenly split across the two styles. Once there was enough content in the library that customers were encountering it on a regular basis, they slowly started opening up to it.

It took a while, but it ended up working out - with authentic content making up the vast majority of newly published items for both Photos and Footage today. And Photo & Footage customers have now grown to expect authenticity.

I suspect the same thing will happen here with Music. We’re taking what we learned from the previous two transitions and applying it here. The PureHits library is a bit of a pilot initiative, where we aimed to explain and demonstrate the value a little faster by building up our authentic offering and hopefully chipping away some of the risk involved with creating content for a small but growing group of customers.

We will be looking to begin making authentic content easier to find, and have some things planned to showcase it further. We know there’s actually a fair amount of authentic music already available in the library, and intend to include as much of it as we can in any/all efforts we roll out throughout this initiative.

So if you feel like some or all of your Music content could be considered authentic, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line. I’d be happy to take a look at it with the team and consider including it.


Yep, I agree. I cover why I think this is happening in my message directly above this one. But for a quick answer, most of our customers are accustomed to the style of content we’ve always had and it’s going to take some time for the majority of customers to understand the value in authentic music, and begin preferring it over the more traditional stock music style/tone.

From the first signs of a new demand for authenticity in Photos, I would say it took about 1 - 1.5 years before the majority of customers preferred authentic content… and even longer for the majority of our Footage customers to come around.


I’m confused about the PureHits account. The audio seems too high fidelity to be AI, there’s no tell-tale white noise in the background either but the composition style and form definitely sound like AI. The track mostly have no intro, outro, they start abrubtly and end the same way, the vocals sound very auto-tuned and robotic and there’s some nonsensical transitions in the tracks… almost sounds like a human producer took AI generated compositions and remade them so the audio would be HD.


Ah, fade in is a no-no! That’s what the reviewers used to say. But Purehits can get away with this. Hmm, suspicious. What about abrupt endings? Hmm. It’s getting more and more curious.

Well actually i don’t think Purehits sound like AI. It is AI :))

Change my mind!


As much as I hate Envato treading on us over and over, I trust Ben’s words. Still… 125 tracks in a few weeks, then 100 more… no profile, no thumb. All those female and male pro singers hired to sell 8 tracks total. Nonexistent presence of that account outside this sudden appearance in Envato → Instant access to Elements…

That’s pretty much as shady as it gets… long answers are not necessarily clear and straightforward answers.


Hi @WormwoodMusic. That’s actually an easy one to answer - the PureHits content is responding to Elements customer research, and the focus is very much on adding more of that style to Elements. Elements doesn’t have profiles or thumbnails, so those haven’t been added to the account yet.

Currently all Audio content (and most other content types) get uploaded to Envato Market first, and then published across to Elements - so that’s why you will see these sorts of accounts appearing on Market as well.

We’re beginning to shift that approach, starting with a pilot batch of Photo authors: they will be uploading their items to a new centralised system, and then that system will serve content out to all of the shopfronts. Even moving one content type across will take some time though, as there are millions of live items to move.

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Well, as easy to answer as worrying for non-Elements authors, if you ask me. So if “currently” uploading to the market first is a must, I assume plans are that in the very near future authors will be able to upload directly to Elements. That is saying, the markets won’t be “needed” anymore.

This might not be as easy to answer, though perhaps it is: if Envato-SS finally shuts the markets (which, come on, you can’t say it’s not in the schedule, it’s burning our eyes :slight_smile: ), what will happen with non-invited authors? Will we have an opt-in option or will you just “let us go”?

Sorry about the english. Not in the mood for chat-gpt right now.


I completely understand the concern & suspicion. We’ve actually been working with the artists for many months, it was quite a big effort to coordinate. We also went through a few rounds of review + revision before we settled on the final collection.

As you’re well aware, creating metadata, structuring the files, editing the tracks a bit, and creating preview assets was also pretty time consuming for a library this large. And most importantly, we couldn’t publish content until it had been paid for.

So rather than waiting for everything to be 100% ready to push it all in, we ingested it in batches over the course of a few weeks.


Got it! But what about this:

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