Hello everyone!
I turn to the cumulative swarm intelligence, because I got answers from the customer service, which I can not understand so. But from the beginning:
Before purchasing a license for a Logo Reveal Sting, I googled and came across the following post that pretty much addressed my problem: Logo Reveal for a YouTube channel - #4 by BenLeong
Based on envato forum manager BenLeong’s reply in the thread above, I purchased a regular license for an After Effects Project File for a Logo Sting / Logo Reveal through VideoHive’s envato market (Cinematic Explosion Logo by Visual_A | VideoHive). I now want to insert my own logo into this After Effects template and render a Logo Reveal video from it once, which I want to insert unchanged into all my gaming videos on YouTube (Let’s Plays / Walkthroughs / Playthroughs / Highlights etc.). If I understand the licensing terms correctly, the AE template I purchased would be the “Item” and the Logo Reveal Video I customized and rendered would be the “Single End Product”. So far, so good.
However, when I asked envato customer service about my plan, they told me that I would have to buy a new license after one year or after 52 gaming videos, because my YouTube channel would qualify as a “series”. This means I would only be allowed to use the end product, i.e. the final rendered Logo Reveal video, 52 times. So for 52 videos I would have already published in 52 days.
However, this information contradicts the statement of the above forum manager.
Also, the VideoHive FAQ states:
I am using an After Effects template to create my logo sting (logo reveal). Do I need to buy a license for each movie that logo sting goes in?
No. The customized/rendered logo reveal is the final end product and it can be used in any number of movies without having to purchase another license. Remember that you need a new license for each use of the template to create a unique logo reveal.
If I now create a YouTube channel and upload “movies” there, could I use the Reveal video infinitely?
Where - according to the license terms - is the line to be drawn between a “series” and “movies” with regard to gaming videos? Is one video per game considered a “movie”, two videos per game already a “series”?
I hope you understand my problem. When I bought it, I thought that I could use the logo reveal video once it was rendered an unlimited number of times.
Thanks for your answers in advance and best regards.