Hello everyone,
Today I just get a first time 1-star rating from the buyer after 200+ sale. I am selling HTML template, I have not written anywhere that theme or WordPress, every place I have mentioned it’s a template. But the buyer has not read clearly and they buy it. After buying the template they want a functional theme and when he did not get function they rate 1-star. Is this legal? ThemeForest should option to challenge against this type of rating if the buyer failed to prove then seller will get 5-star automatic because without any reason seller is losing here.
Please get in touch with Author Support and let them know. If your buyer rate you 1 star only for because your item is not a functional theme as like wordpress theme then support will review and will help you to remove the ratings. Provide details why customer has rated this with prove when you will submit help ticket.
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Thanks Bro, which one I will select? market Author or Element Author