3rd Paw! It was not easy for me! :-)

Yes! :champagne: To achieve this level was for me hard and long.:scream: I now believe in myself and I will continue to learn and improve the quality and commercial availability of my music.:blush:

Thank you Envato for this opportunity to join with people from all over the world, helping them with my skills, get acquainted with other great authors and at the same time making money! :champagne:You are wonderful! I’m really happy to be here!

Thanks to all the authors for their support and assistance! :beers::relaxed:



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Thank you, @MusicBoxStudios!


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Congratulations! :slight_smile: :sparkles:

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Thanx a lot, @LumenMedia!

Thank you, @WildKittyTunes!! :slight_smile:

Big congrats to you, @NisusPrideMusic! :tada:

Up next, level 4! :slight_smile:

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Well done! Good to hear your work paid off!:medal:

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That’s cool @NisusPrideMusic Congratulations!:sparkles: Wish you to achieve level 4 as quickly as possible and then 5.6 and Elite Badge. Good luck buddy :slight_smile:

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Thank you, @AurusAudio! Yeah! Next station ''4th Paw" :slight_smile:

Thank you so much, @FirstNote!! :beers:

Thanks a lot, @AliveSound!!! “Elite Badge” seems like a dream! :grinning: But “we born to make all dreams came true!”(from old Russian song) :slight_smile:

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Great stuff, well done!

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Thank you @KBullasMusic!! :wink:

Congrats Ruslan, that is great to hear! Very happy for you :sunglasses:

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It’s a great start; took less than a year!

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Thank you again @audioBITS_za! You’re awesome! :slight_smile:

Thank you @ClassicBeauty! I really appreciate it! :slight_smile:

Congratulations. Amazing work, really appreciable. :slight_smile:

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