WPBakery Page Builder license

Hello, I bought a theme on themeForest (Azalea). The theme comes with the WPBakery Page Builder plugin to work and now I can’t update the plugin because I don’t have a license.
How can I obtain the license to update the WPBakery Page Builder plugin so that my site works optimally?
Does the theme creator need to provide me with the WPBakery Page Builder license?


I’ll be happy to clear this for you.

Theme Bundled plugins do not have their own licenses (purchase code). This means they cannot be activated mean registered for updates. So you can safely ignore any plugin activation/registration messages and Theme Bundled plugin will work fine for you.

All bundled plugins update responsibility is the theme’s author. Just always download the theme latest version to get latest update plugins and update bundled plugin manually.

If you really want to auto update features by one click then you have to purchase individual license for the plugin(s) and you have to register/activate the license.
You can check this Help article:


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