WP Theme Sahifa

hello , i have a question , how i can update my Sahifa WP Theme , i have only load the Wordpress Files as ZIP in the Folder Themes? Thank you for your help


Download the theme from your account www.themeforest.net/downloads (assuming you are logged in) and this copy will be the latest version.

It’s also worth checking the theme options in your admin as some authors have auto updates from there.

hello charlie 4282 , i can make this with ftp?

Download the Theme / I have make
Load up the Sahifa Folder , unzip or as zip?

I go about admin site he say to me that a wp theme like sahifa exist .

Sorry for so much questions


It depends what you are trying to do but yes once you have the right version downloaded you can make changes using FTP - have you already installed the theme and just want to update it to the latest version?

hello ,
yes i want update the latest version . Which folder i must take ?


You need to download ‘Installable WordPress Files Only’ then UNZIP this and use that folder/files in that folder.

If you do not 100% sure of what you are doing then I strongly suggest you speak to the author to be safe from any unwanted issues

Hello Heroes,

How is it going?
Only my thumbnails on mobile devices are blurry after the Sahifa update. (desktop 150×150, mobile 300×300)
Can you please help me? I have tried CSS, FTP but its making me crazy.

Do you know what the issue might be?

Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face:
