WP item in Queue 10 Days (Official Answer Required)


We have submitted Our WordPress theme 10 days ago and there is no response yet where else the review time of WordPress is 1 day. What is going on please provide us an official answer.

Hi @themesmill,

Just to note - this is not an official answer by any means. You should prepare for usual review time, I’m not sure why there’s an average review time of 1 day, but it seems unusual and unlikely, at least for now.


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Hi @themesmill

My WP Theme was submitted 18 days ago and I still waiting for the 1st review, so don’t worry.
The review time is 20 days, more or less.

Please leave a message here when you get 1st review so i can have estimate time for my item review.


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I am on 17th Day. Can anyone post here the actual time they have got first review thanks.


My theme was reviewed in the morning after almost 19 days, with the message that the name of my theme is not unique :slight_smile:

19 days still in review but no reply what to do ?

just wait. I got it after 20 days.

Hi, there!
90% we got replies in time and i always use this URL to track the Review turnaround: