Hello my wp bakery editor stopped working yesterday, i cant edit my websit please help me asap!!!
Is WP the plugin and the hosting all up to date?
Yes i have wp 6.0.5 version and hosting is actual, yesterday it was working properly in our office but when i come home and i wanted to edit our website it didnt work. i will send u prtscr. I tried to install clasic editor or disable gutenber but it didnt work.
I think compatibility issues there. There can be some reason as like:
- you recently updated wordpress to latest evrsion (5.2.3) and your website theme don’t compatibile with wp 5.2.3
- you are using old version WPBakery Page Builder
- your hosting is using old version php where wordpress highly recommend php 7
So, please check your theme and WPBakery Page Builder version and their compatibility.
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Can i unistal somehow this version to 5.2.2?
wp 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 will be same. I mean all version wp 5 will act same. please clear browser cache and check or try with another pc. Also check have you updated/changed any otherthing that can cause the issue.