Wordpress + WP Bakery Text Block Bug

Been facing this issue for a while now and I think I need some help with this:

When I try to edit a text block on my WordPress site, a pop-up appears but the text editor is not showing. See image from here: https://prnt.sc/qq6hxr
The portion highlighted in red should contain a text editor where I can edit the content of my text block but it seems like it’s not working and invisible (I tried inspect element but it’s not there nor hidden, it’s not really there!).

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

BTW, I use Azirspares theme that has the built-in WP Bakery Builder and the latest version of WordPress.



Contact with your purchase item author @Fami_Themes right here as a comments

hope they will helped!


Thank you for using our theme. Please open a ticket for quick assistance: https://support.famithemes.com/submit-ticket


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