WordPress theme: multiple pages one-page style


I’ve searched for this for some time, but haven’t found similar theme.

First off, I’d like to explain how the page should look.

In header, there’s two menus (on top of each other).
On top, there’s MAIN menu/navigation consists of main-pages (Main, About Us, Contact etc).
Under that, there’s secondary menu that consists of main-page sections (About Us->History; About Us->Philosophy etc)
Menus do NOT need to generate automatically, manual might be even better, because there can be alot of sections what I don’t want to be added in secondary-menu (to avoid clustering).

Now, here’s the thing!
Is there a theme that has MAIN page functionality and sub-pages are automatically added as one-page sections? And visual build-up should be pre-defined as well (dark, light, transparent etc)

Like this:

  • Main (page)
    ** Services (section; light)
    ** Portfolio (section; dark)
    ** Gallery (section; light)

  • About us (page)
    ** History (section; light)
    ** Philosophy (section; dark)

  • Contact (page)
    ** Contact information (section; light)
    ** Contact us form (section; dark)
    ** Google Map location (section; light)

Different sub-page is needed because my client needs to be able to change information when needed so it doesn’t mess up main-page layout.

At first, custom offers might not be needed, since maybe such theme already exists, just couldn’t find it :confused:
Maybe some keywords what could help me find what I’m looking for?

Thank you very much!

Look at osmosis theme from @greatives and their “anchor menu” example page the macs are not directly on top of each other but it looks good and will do what you are after.

To get both menus on top of one another is almost certainly going to take some custom work with any theme unless you use one with a top Nav but as a UX that is going to be confusing

there’s probably plugins for ‘scroll to section’ that could do it also but better to get one built into a theme

Strange times … people as how to find theme for few $ such as they needs … few years ago You need to pay few thousands $ for build it :slight_smile:

Just saw their Blade file - even better for what you are after. Anchor menu is pretty much under the original. Looks great

I agree, custom website still pays few thousands, but there are already built frameworks that I could use and searching for the right one takes quite much time, testing etc, that’s why someone might already suggest some. I have no problem to pay for suggested theme since it’s on the market :slightly_smiling:

Thanks for all suggestions, I’ll check those out :slightly_smiling: