Looking for WP one-page theme for WordPress


I have searched for pretty amount of time for a very specific theme, that I could not find.

  1. It has to be 100% one-page. No additional “blog” posts, ONLY one page and that’s it!;
  2. Full-screen (full width and height) header that has slider images (automatic and arrows);
  3. Menu will stay on top while scrolling down.;
  4. Smooth scroll + smooth-scroll-to-anchor-ID;
  5. Contact form at the bottom of the page;
  6. Now, THE MOST IMPORTANT! A section that has thumbnail images, a title written on it and when a user clicks, it opens additional information about it (scrolls to some anchor and writes info there). It will NOT open new page!!!;

What I’m looking for is one-page theme for a company that has different services. Those services must be listed with thumbnail images (with titles) and clicking on them will open additional information.

If I don’t find such page with built-in functionality, I can use “Portfolio” section and edit it a bit.
For example: http://demo.rocknrolladesigns.com/wordpress/jarvis/fullscreen-slider/

Hope, you’ll understand what I mean.

Thank you!

Not possible, a WordPress theme at it’s core HAS TO have basic blog functionality, that’s archive pages and single posts, a theme will not be accepted to wordpress.org or ThemeForest without this. “Onepage” functionality, or any other functionalities of a theme are always built on top of it’s very base of being able to be used as a blog.

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How come you’re saying it’s not possible, when my example (JARVIS) has what I’m looking for, but slightly different variation?

It needs to be one-page and a service section with picture thumbnails, which clicked on, moves to info section and shows additional information about that service.

Hi sitapea1337

Look at http://uproar.dk/

that is a one-pager with contact form at the bottom (site is not yet fully tested on phones, but should work on ipad and desktop screens right now)

I know what you want, with the picture thumbnails placed somewhere on the one-page site, that when you click on the thumbnails, the onepage site scrolls to another place on the one-page-site and shows some more information (still on the one-pager site)

Would you want me to try and make that for you in WordPress with easy-to-use options for editing the content (images/video/text/color and so on)?


Should the wordpress theme have blog posts on it, or no blog post at all ?

What would be your budget (what can you afford to pay) for such a theme ?

What is your time-frame (when do you need it to be finished and online) ?

Do you need it to work on iphone/android phones, ipad, desktop(mac/windows/linux) ?


You are highly unlikely to find that Ajax effect (the thing you want for services) as anything except a portfolio (maybe team members) on a theme here.

Easiest would be as you suggested to edit a portfolio to house services, or use modals or similar as an alternative.

Contact me (post here) if you want me to build something like that in easy-to-use-WordPress theme for you at an affordable price.


@sitapea1337 - Tom actually has two themes that would work quite nicely: http://themeforest.net/item/frost-multipurpose-one-page-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/8192249 or http://lydia.tommusdemos.wpengine.com/home-default-layout/onepage-layout/

Contact form at the bottom, scrolls as you want, menu stays where it is at the top etc…
Its a different approach to the portfolio thing, technically still not a new page - personally I think it looks very cool and much more fluid UX to display extra content.

If you really want it as it is in Jarvis then just search for ‘Ajax portfolio’ there are loads. Which ever one you use - check before buying that the portfolio item aspect can be layed out to suit the info you want to add - sometimes this feature is a fixed template

Thanks, mate! Ajax portfolio is exactly keywords I was looking for!

Thanks everyone for answering. I’ll keep looking and when not found, I’ll use JARVIS, edit it a bit etc.

Take a look in epic theme from jellythemes :smile: