WordPress theme - Hard Rejected

Hello all,
My WordPress theme for an approved PSD item got hard rejected when submitted under a new collaboration profile. Kindly let me know what's wrong with it, besides collaboration clarification with Envato support.

All feedback is appreciated.

Here is the link for the theme:

Thanks in advance!

Theme looks good but similar to others already available. That may be the reason.

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This got hard rejection ? wow… Bar must be raised really high in wp themes world. Great theme btw

I think that your w3c wrong is https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http%3A%2F%2Fpablopoliso.com%2Fculiristorante%2Fdemo-2%2F

This is hard rejected ???!! themeforest are you kidding ?!

At least it should got a soft reject, there are some points to fix (in my opinion), like:

  • The footer that looks a little bit intruder
  • Google map: need maybe an overlay and a custom marker to look modern and homogeneous
  • Maybe there is some extra space in some sections

I think yo need to ask reviewer for some explanations, cause i think it’s unfaire that this theme got a hard reject

As i see: you haven’t standard wordpress functionality and elements - like blog, tags, sidebars and other, for wordpress category of course this will be hard reject.

Blog is here - http://pablopoliso.com/culiristorante/demo-2/blog/aliquam-erat-bibendum-4, So I dont think that’s the problem.

There are following point i have noticed :

  • OUR BLOG on home page, if i click on plus sign on overlay nothing happens.
  • Google map need to be in different design

may be you need to add the all your pages(blog, post) to main navigation , there are no clearly map of theme. You need go to see some other themes( in wordpress category) like yours and make conclusions

Just a quick question are you familiar with or does your theme have different styling with sticky post . If not I can probably point you to what to work on first that will help when it comes to theme rejection. Last year I did a theme and it got hard rejected also but this time my new theme is in a process of a soft rejection. Design wise I think it meets their standards. I see things in your demo that you nailed down correctly that I have struggled with in my design that i fixed in my new theme.

Typo is not clear. Visibility and readability issues are there plus the design is not unique…