WordPress Theme Hard Rejected . Need help

Theme got hard rejected . I have converted psd to WordPress with proper collaboration.
Demo Url : https://kiwi.creativedigital.ae/

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Your graphics and design works good but not fulfill ThemeForest design standard.

Please improve default logo quality, presentation is important http://prntscr.com/obyn88

There are spacing and alignment issues in this item. Please make sure that all elements are correctly aligned and spacing is consistent from section to section. Here are some articles with more information regarding negative space and proper spacing: https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/using-white-space-or-negative-space-in-your-designs--webdesign-3401, https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/adding-space-to-your-designs--webdesign-14836. https://prnt.sc/obyl0f

Overall typography is still pretty poorly executed and needs improvements throughout. http://prntscr.com/obykoy, http://prntscr.com/obyl8f, http://prntscr.com/obylj7

The typographic hierarchy of this item requires additional work. For more information, please read: http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/understanding-typographic-hierarchy--webdesign-11636

good luck for your next theme.


Thanks for your detailed feedback. One more thing I didn’t style the single blog posts. It will cause rejection?


Yes, it’s one of the part of rejections because if you have submit any WordPress theme in ThemeForest so it’s means all part work correctly and well design if you have ignore any part of your items so it’s big part of your rejections.

Any way WordPress is Blog CMS, and you have to skip the heart of WordPress.

Thank You


i still didn’t understand this https://prnt.sc/obyl0f What’s wrong in this spacing



In this Screenshot, I have noted that your font size too small and display lot’s of a spacing area on your section.
We hope that you have to understand your problems.

Thank you