Hi Forum
I am developing a wordpress site for a trust which issues financial grants to artists.
The website should allow visitors to submit an eligibility application which will also register them.
And if approved they can login to submit a grant application from a page not publicly accessible.
Applications should be listed by User for Admin and downloadable as PDFs.
Do you know of a plugin (or combination of plugins) which might handle this requirement?
Feels to me that there must be something out there for this…
Do you need a plugin etc?
Could you not just use a form for the application then if they are approved (assume this has to be a manual assessment) then send them links to the grant application area?
If really necessary you could use a membership plugin for the second part and those who are initially approved
Thanks Charlie
Yes I think I see what you mean. I think I can find a way to do this using something like Gravity Forms and then a private content plugin to hide the (not for general public access) grant application form.
But I hoped I might be able to find a plugin stitched everything together - primarily listing grant applications by user (for Admin and User).
I bet there is something out there - just finding it is the problem.
Thanks for your help.