I’m developing a Woddpress page builder (video here: http://screenr.com/7xA7 )
Now I have 2 options:
Code it with combination PHP + jQuery, where PHP is used for displaying saved items (options) and jQuery for dynmaic adding items.
Code it only with jQuery.
So my qustion is “What is better option?”.
Thx for all of your advices and suggestions 
How do you intend to do that with jQuery only? You still need to save the options in the database and use WordPress API to do that.
BTW I could see you downloading Requiem for a Dream in the video.
pogoking said
How do you intend to do that with jQuery only?..
all items are saved in custom field like a json array so I can read this json array in jQuery 
And yes I was downloading requirem for a dream becase my friend told me, that it’s good movie 
You will need to use both php and jQuery. Please take a look at the video bellow ( the page builder that i will release soon in my first wordpress theme
) to see what i’ve achieved with this combination.
PHP is used for restoring / saving / adding options and jQuery is used for all the rest :P.
Page builder for wordpress
Best regards,
zauan said
You will need to use both php and jQuery. Please take a look at the video bellow ( the page builder that i will release soon in my first wordpress theme
) to see what i’ve achieved with this combination.
PHP is used for restoring / saving / adding options and jQuery is used for all the rest :P.
Page builder for wordpress
Best regards,
Thx for your opinion, but the problem is that I don’t need PHP
It can be done only by jQuery too
So I have choice 
Hi, your page builder generate from shortcodes?
DavidGuns said
Hi, your page builder generate from shortcodes?
Only thing what user has to do is design a page via page builder it’s really user friendly:)
Itachicz said
DavidGuns said
Hi, your page builder generate from shortcodes?
Only thing what user has to do is design a page via page builder it’s really user friendly:)
How do you want to connect to wpdb using jquery ?
partnuz said
Itachicz said
DavidGuns said
Hi, your page builder generate from shortcodes?
Only thing what user has to do is design a page via page builder it’s really user friendly:)
How do you want to connect to wpdb using jquery ?
I have all values stored in json array and this json array I have in one custom field… so I can read tha values from this custom field
jquery only is impossible . trust me.
I built page builder my own. it’s complex than what you imagine
rongcon said
jquery only is impossible . trust me.
I built page builder my own. it’s complex than what you imagine
Hi thx for your response
Yes completely entire page builder is impossible to build without PHP but I mean displaying already saved items in page builder. But it doesn’t matter I’m doing it 50% PHP and 50% jQuery
Itachicz said
rongcon said
jquery only is impossible . trust me.
I built page builder my own. it’s complex than what you imagine
Hi thx for your response
Yes completely entire page builder is impossible to build without PHP but I mean displaying already saved items in page builder. But it doesn’t matter I’m doing it 50% PHP and 50% jQuery
jquery never replace php. they’re different side language so you alway need both of them.
rongcon said
Itachicz said
rongcon said
jquery only is impossible . trust me.
I built page builder my own. it’s complex than what you imagine
Hi thx for your response
Yes completely entire page builder is impossible to build without PHP but I mean displaying already saved items in page builder. But it doesn’t matter I’m doing it 50% PHP and 50% jQuery
jquery never replace php. they’re different side language so you alway need both of them.
Yes but I can write this stuff with 30%PHP and 70%jQuery or 5%PHP and 95% of jQuery.
so I choose 30% php. wordpress is 80% php I think 
Sorry rongcon, have to disagree with you.
I’ve made my own page builder by a month ago fully with javascript, what I do is hide the wordpress default text editor and my page builder, built fully with jquery will parse the information to the hidden text editor according to what the user is putting.
Not saying you should go like I did but for me it worked perfectly.
Hi guys I’m new to wordpress and i need to know where can i learbn how to build pagebuilder (courses.websites.boioks …)
pleas help me i realy need your help