Football Tournaments
I need a theme for WordPress. (or u can make a full site also)
the WordPress blog will be a place for people to list their football tournament event.
So there will be a create tournament event function.
Where the event creator can add specifics about the tournament they are organizing.
Such as Tournament name , place , date and time , no of players allowed , game length time , contact nos , etc.
Every tournament created will have its own page where admins can add the match list.
Where we can show Team A vs Team B, and so on as
also include match time , scores to edit after match done.
Also the main page should have something like a view of all tournaments added.
I can describe more over Skype , etc.
Well i am not sure this can be done in WordPress or need to be done in something else.
Or there is something already available like this please let me know.